Piriformis Stretch for Hip Flexibility and Pain Relief
Feel tightness in your hips? Ready to unleash a new level of flexibility and relieve discomfort? Join us in this comprehensive Piriformis Stretch session, designed to target and release tension in your hips, leaving you feeling more limber and free!
All right, we're going to go through a P-Form stretch, which is a great way to loosen up the hips, especially if you've had tightness in the low back that's affecting nerves connected to the hip muscles. So, what we're going to do is have Doc over here demonstrate. He'll bring his knee all the way up to his chest to get a nice stretch. Then, he'll rotate his foot downward. This targets the psoas muscle, which is one of the primary muscles in the hips associated with that discomfort.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3 - Side View

Step 3 - Top View

Dr Michael Watins, DC
330 West 58th Street, Suite 413 New York, NY 10019
Call us today: (212) 765-6470
Email: frontdesk@drwatins.com