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Core & Hip Engaging Bridge Exercise | Effective Workout

- Wednesday, April 10, 2024

So, we're going to show you how to do a bridge properly. To perform a bridge correctly, lie flat on the table with your feet down like this. Tighten your core and engage it by pressing down firmly against the table. This ensures core engagement. Now, lift your hips an inch or two off the table. By doing this, you're engaging the core properly, which constitutes a proper bridge.

Often, people try to push too hard, believing that more is better or that "no pain, no gain." However, this is not true. If you lift too high, you'll lose that core engagement, and you'll feel it in your back. What you're doing now is arching your back too much, which results in losing core engagement and putting stress on your back. I can see it immediately when you do that.

Let's try it again. Engage your core, push down, there you go. I can see you're pushing down and engaging that core. Lift the hips about an inch or two off the table, and stop right there. Do not go any higher. If you go higher, you'll arch your back, lose core engagement, and strain your back. Then, lower back down.

This exercise works the core and hips, but it's crucial to do it correctly. Many people read about it online and attempt it, but they often do it wrong by arching the back. The moment you arch your back, you lose core engagement and start stressing your back.


Step 1

Core & Hip Engaging Bridge Exercise

Step 2

Core & Hip Engaging Bridge Exercise

Step 3

Core & Hip Engaging Bridge Exercise

Dr Michael Watins, DC
330 West 58th Street, Suite 413 New York, NY 10019
Call us today: (212) 765-6470